Showing posts with label bananas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bananas. Show all posts

I absolutely love this recipe. I had Bananas Foster at a local restaurant, Rolando's, a few times and I totally fell in love with it. So, of course I had to figure out how to make it myself. I really like to invite people over for dinner so I have an excuse to make it. It's pretty quick and simple to make.

Yield: 4 servings


1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 cup banana liqueur

4 bananas cut in half lengthwise, then halved

1/4 cup dark rum

Vanilla ice cream (enough for four people)


1. Cut bananas half lengthwise and then halve them diagonally. If you're making it for a lot of people cut the bananas into 1/4 inch coins.

2. In a good-sized saute or skillet, combine the butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Heat over low heat until the butter melts and sugar dissolves.

3. Add banana liqeur and stir.

4. Add bananas and cook until they start to soften and begin to brown. Be careful not to burn them.

5. Remove the pan from the flame and add the rum.

6. Ignite the pan and stand back (in case it makes a big flame). You're suppose to tip the pan slightly and ignite the rum, but I just use a long flame starter and leave it level.

7. Return the pan to the heat to cook off any excess rum.

8. Let cool a couple of minutes or it'll melt your ice cream.

9. Spoon the ice cream into bowls, add the bananas, and top with the sauce.

10. Serve immediately.

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